Dr. Sue Zimmermann is an orthopedist with 24 years of clinical experience. She engaged a career coach to help her plan her pre-retirement pivot away from her full-time clinical position. Sue shows us how to balance clinical and nonclinical pursuits using good planning, coaching and networking.

Before we get to today’s interview, I want to remind you about the new edition of my weekly newsletter. Once a week, I write about my efforts to convert my blogging and podcasting hobby into a business.

I’m calling this series of newsletters Creating My Online Business. I just released my second issue this past Saturday. In it, I shared my advice about starting your business and selecting a niche. I will release the next issue this coming Saturday.

To follow me on this journey, you’ll need to sign up for my newsletter by going to vitalpe.net/newsletter. There’s no cost to learn what I’m doing. And I promise to share all of the good and bad of trying to create this new business. If you want me to send you the first two issues, email me by replying to the newsletter.

Dr. Sue Zimmermann Achieves Balance in Her Work

Sue Zimmermann graduated from Medical School at Brown University, then pursued her orthopedic training at New England Medical Center. Then, she practiced orthopedic surgery at Dartmouth Hitchcock Health system in Nashua, New Hampshire for 24 years.

balance career

Photo by Erik Witsoe on Unsplash

She began to think about retiring, but with the idea of slowing down and entering a nonclincal career. So, she searched for a career coach, ultimately working with physician career coach, Dr. Heather Fork. Listeners will recall that I interviewed Heather in Episode 18 of this podcast.

In the interview, Sue describes how she was preparing for her transition, when she suddenly lost her position at the hospital where she worked. Fortunately, her planning paid off. She was ready to make the shift. And she networked with colleagues, identifying several opportunities that fit her gaols.

As a result, she is now working in an outpatient orthopedic clinic, teaching and writing. Her quality of life is excellent. And her income is meeting her needs for this stage in her life. She has achieved real balance in her professional life.


Resources for Today's Episode

During the interview, we discuss the following resources:

Coming Up

Next week, I present my conversation with a very successful orthopedic sports medicine specialist, Dr. David Geier. He has created a fantastic online platform that helps educate patients, and promote his books, media exposure, and speaking engagements. I know you'll thoroughly enjoy next week’s episode.

Be sure to subscribe to the podcast on the Apple Podcast App.

If you liked today’s episode, please tell your friends about it and SHARE it on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

And, join me next week for another episode of Physician Nonclinical Careers.

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The opinions expressed herein are those of me and my guest, where applicable. While the information published in written form and in audio form on the podcast are true and accurate, to the best of my knowledge, there is no express or implied guarantee that using the methods discussed herein will lead to success in your career, life or business.

The opinions are my own, and my guest's, and not those of any organizations that I'm a member of, or affiliated with. The information presented on this blog and related podcast is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only. They should not be construed as advice, such a medical, legal, tax, emotional or other types of advice.

If you take action on any information provided on the blog or podcast, it is at your own risk. Always consult a professional, e.g., attorney, accountant, career counsellor, etc., before making any major decisions related to the subject matter of the blog and podcast.