A Great Resource for Seeking Clinicians

On this special episode of the PNC podcast, Dr. Nneka Unachukwu, from the EntreMD Podcast, returns to interview John about the Clinicians Career Cooperative, a new project he is working on.

In addition to hosting the PNC podcast, supporting the Physician Nonclinical Career Hunters Facebook group, giving live presentations, and hosting the Nonclinical Career Academy, John is adding a new resource for his followers: the Clinicians Career Cooperative.

Our Sponsor

We're proud to have the University of Tennessee Physician Executive MBA Program, offered by the Haslam College of Business, as the sponsor of this podcast.

The UT PEMBA is the longest-running, and most highly respected physician-only MBA in the country, with over 650 graduates. And, unlike other programs, which typically run 1 – 1/2 to 2 years, this program only takes a year to complete. Recently, Economist Magazine ranked the business school #1 in the world for the Most Relevant Executive MBA.

While in the program, you'll participate in a company project, thereby contributing to your organization. As a result, the University of Tennessee PEMBA students bring exceptional value to their organizations.

Graduates have taken leadership positions at major healthcare organizations. And they've become entrepreneurs and business owners.

By joining the University of Tennessee physician executive MBA, you will develop the business and management skills needed to find a career that you really love. To find out more, contact Dr. Kate Atchley’s office by calling (865) 974-6526 or go to nonclinicalphysicians.com/physicianmba.

The Clinicians Career Cooperative

The idea is to create a low-cost forum to bring experts and physicians together in an easily accessible way. 

The Clinicians Career Cooperative is unique because:

1. It’s more inclusive.

Membership in Clinicians Career Cooperative includes clinicians beyond physicians, who face many of the identical challenges. 

2. We recruit experts to serve as Mentors.

John and Tom enlist specific experts to provide guidance on a wide array of topics, including how to pursue specific careers.

3. You can narrow your search.

The forum is structured so it is easier to navigate and you can easily follow multiple topics.

4. Tasteful promotion is allowed.

Experts will be able to offer more in-depth advice by sharing their courses, blogs, and other educational products, without being “spammy.” 

5. Members are more invested.

Because there is a small monthly fee, only members who are serious about career change will tend to join.

6. The forum is attractive to Mentors.

Our Expert Mentors can join the Clinicians Career Cooperative and reach a growing membership seeking inspiration and guidance.


There are 2 types of unfulfilled physicians: those who complain and do nothing, and those who take action. Are you open to the idea that there are literally hundreds of wonderful career opportunities out there? 

If so, here is where you will find them: the Clinicians Career Cooperative.

The official launch is June 1, and by going to clinicianscooperative.com, you can join now. The first seven days are free, so this is a no-risk opportunity to connect with experts and begin your career transition today.

After clicking the link and heading to the Cooperative and watching the Welcome Video…

  1. click the Teal Colored JOIN NOW button, then
  2. select the annual or monthly membership by clicking the Sign-Up Link, then
  3. add your registration information, and
  4. click REGISTER HERE to join the Cooperative.

It's that simple.

And if you join NOW, you will receive over $375 worth of Bonuses:

  • Guide to 10 Nonclinical Careers for Physicians (PDF) – a 19-page guide that introduces you to 10 popular nonclinical careers, and provides resources for pursuing each one, written by John Jurica
  • Crash Course Checklist to Becoming a Hospital Executive (PDF) – a brief summary and checklist with the steps any hospital-based physician can follow to land a career in hospital management, by John Jurica
  • 25 Top Nontraditional Careers Video – a broad overview of the most popular nonclinical careers and side jobs, as well as unconventional clinical jobs, with specific details to help you narrow your search
  • Telemedicine Mastery Course ($100 Value) – a comprehensive course by Tom Davis for any clinician considering telemedicine, that addresses: setting up your legal structure, licensing, liability coverage, selecting a telemedicine technical partner, contracting essentials, and optimizing your income
  • A Free 2-Month Membership to the Nonclinical Career Academy ($194 Value) – an online learning center for physicians with 15 separate courses addressing mindset, career transition strategies, overviews of home-based and pharma jobs, and in-depth lessons about hospital management, medical science liaison, locum tenens, and medical consulting
  • $75 off the price of registration to your choice of the July, September or November 2020 NEXT Intensive Series –  the Clinical Career Conference presented by Michelle Mudge-Riley where you’ll have the chance to hear from over 30 physicians teach you about 25 non-clinical and non-traditional careers for physicians (from physicians who have successfully transitioned!) and get hands-on help with your resume, cover letter and where to find non-clinical jobs

Imagine what it will be like 6 to 12 months from now to start a fulfilling career, and leave behind the headaches, long hours, and constant threat of a lawsuit. Joining the Cooperative is the first step on that journey!

Special Offer from Last Epsiode

After coming on the podcast last week, and teaching us about real estate investing and how they created their new course, Zero to Freedom through Cash-Flowing Rentals, Leti and Kenji have offered me the opportunity to share it with you as an affiliate partner. That means that if you join the program using any of the links on this page, I will receive a commission.

I believe that real estate is an excellent way to diversify your income, and can allow you to pursue other unconventional jobs and side gigs that we talk about on the podcast. If fact, becoming a part-time real estate professional can really help to create more freedom in your life.

So give the course a look by going to nonclinicalphysicians.com/rentals. [This is an affiliate link – if you purchase using the link, I receive a commission.] As an added BONUS, if you join the course, I will provide you a FREE 30-minute strategy session to talk about your career, a side hustle, or anything else related to the podcast!

The doors will open on June 1. When you register, you'll be given some prep work to do (the pre-course module) before the real action begins a few weeks later. But you MUST get in at the beginning to take part in all of the prep.

If that sounds intriguing, then read much more about it at nonclinicalphysicians.com/rentals.

Download This Episode:

Right Click Here and “Save As” to download this podcast episode to your computer.

The Nonclinical Career Academy Membership Program is Now Live!

I've created 15 courses and placed them all in an exclusive, low-cost membership program. The program provides an introduction to dozens of nontraditional careers, with in-depth lessons on several of them. It even includes my full MSL Course. There is a money-back guarantee, so there is no risk to signing up. And I'll add more courses each and every month, addressing:

  • Nontraditional Careers: Locum tenens, Telemedicine, Cash-only Practice
  • Hospital and Health System Jobs
  • Pharma Careers
  • Home-based jobs
  • Preparing for an interview, and writing a resume
  • And more…

Thanks to our sponsor…

Thanks to the UT Physician Executive MBA program for sponsoring the show. It’s an outstanding, highly rated, MBA program designed for working physicians. It is just what you need to prepare for that fulfilling, well-paying career. You can find out more at nonclinicalphysicians.com/physicianmba.

If you enjoyed today’s episode, share it on Twitter and Facebook, and leave a review on iTunes.

Podcast Editing & Production Services are provided by Oscar Hamilton


Many of the links that I refer you to, and that you’ll find in the show notes, are affiliate links. That means that I receive a payment from the seller if you purchase the affiliate item using my link. Doing so has no effect on the price you are charged. And I only promote products and services that I believe are of high quality and will be useful to you, that I have personally used or am very familiar with.

The opinions expressed here are mine and my guest’s. While the information provided on the podcast is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge, there is no express or implied guarantee that using the methods discussed here will lead to success in your career, life or business.

The information presented on this blog and related podcast is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only. It should not be construed as medical, legal, tax, or emotional advice. If you take action on the information provided on the blog or podcast, it is at your own risk. Always consult an attorney, accountant, career counselor, or other professional before making any major decisions about your career.